
Recipient of the 2008 First Place Award


Jacqueline Noparstak

Jacqueline Noparstak, soprano, has received international acclaim for her warm, flexible voice, floating high notes and superb phrasing.  She most recently sang the role of Contessa Almaviva in LE NOZZE DI FIGARO with Opera in the Heights, in Houston. Other roles include, Pamina and First Lady, in DIE ZAUBERFLöTE, Arminda in LA FINTA GIARDINIERA, Magda in LA RONDINE, the title roles in Floyd’s SUSANNAH and in Richard Strauss’s ARABELLA, Héro in BéATICE ET BéNéDICT and Micaëla in CARMEN.  

In past seasons, Ms. Noparstak has performed with Union Avenue Opera, Natchez Music Festival, Pine Mountain Music Festival, Bronx Opera, Brooklyn Opera, Opera Theatre of the Rockies, and Little Opera Theatre of New York. Equally at home on the concert stage, she has appeared as a recitalist throughout the United States.

Ms. Noparstak is garnering major recognition in some important competitions, including being selected as Winner in the 2007 Liederkranz Foundation Competition and given the Grand Prize in the AIMS 25th annual Meistersinger Competition in Graz, Austria.  She has been a finalist in several competitions and First Prize in the Marcella Sembrich Voice Competition, hosted by the Kosciuszko Foundation in New York City.  Ms. Noparstak was also a winner in the 2008 Licia Albanese Puccini Competition in New York City, and won Third Prize in the Long Leaf Opera Competition in North Carolina.

Ms. Noparstak holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in music from Columbia University. A native of Eugene, Oregon, she now resides in New York City.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Depuis le jour
from LOUISE by Charpentier
Ebben? Ne andro lontana
from La WALLY by Catalani
Jacqueline is being accompanied by Scott Holshouser
Video by Raul Orlando Edwards


Nathaniel Peake
Brian B. Carter